Modelul grecesc are prozeliți

29 iunie 2015

Pre­simt că vin vre­muri in­te­re­sante. Și mi-aduc aminte de vorba aia ve­che a chi­ne­zi­lor: să te fe­rească zeii să tră­iești vre­muri interesante.

Pu­erto Rico’s go­ver­nor Ale­jan­dro Gar­cia Pa­di­lla has ad­mit­ted that the island can­not pay its ro­u­ghly $72 bi­l­lion do­l­lars in debts, an ad­mis­sion that will pro­ba­bly have wide-re­a­ching fi­nan­cial re­per­cus­sions be­gin­ning Monday. Last week the go­ver­nor and his top staff an­ti­ci­pa­ted they wo­uld seek sig­ni­fi­cant con­ces­sions from the island’s creditors.

Sursa: Gre­ece in the Ca­ri­b­bean: Pu­erto Rico ad­mits it’s broke and can’t pay debts — MercoPress

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