Cred că aș pu­tea să scriu pa­gini în­tregi des­pre uri­așa farsă în care s‑a trans­for­mat mar­ke­tin­gul mo­dern, dar n‑aș re­uși nici­o­dată să pun punc­tul pe i așa cum a re­u­șit ge­ni­a­lul Jerry Se­in­feld aseară, când a pri­mit un pre­miu Clio, un fel de Os­car al publicității:

I love ad­ver­ti­sing, be­ca­use I love lying. In ad­ver­ti­sing eve­ry­thing it is as you wish it was. I don’t care that it won’t be like that when I get the pro­duct be­ing ad­ver­ti­sed, be­ca­use in be­tween se­e­ing the co­m­mer­cial and ow­ning the thing I’m ha­ppy. And tha­t’s all I want. Tell me how great the thing is go­ing to be, I love it, I don’t need to be ha­ppy all the time. I just wanna en­joy the co­m­mer­cial. I wanna get the thing. We know that the pro­duct is go­ing to stink, we know that, be­ca­use we live in the world and we know that eve­ry­thing stinks. We all be­li­eve “hey, ma­ybe this one won’t stink”. We are a ho­pe­ful spe­cies. Stu­pid, but hopeful.

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